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Movement & Personal Mobility is our Passion

Working with 3D Marker-less motion capture over the past 7 years - to support our interest in Life Sciences and Creative Technologies, has given us insights into its use in the fields of biomechanics, sport sciences, animation, online gaming and software development. 

Today we are continuing to be inspired by collaborating with animators, clinicians, researchers and a wide range of other professionals looking to find better, more cost effective solutions to address their motion capture requirement. 


Collaboration is the key

AnamoLABS moves in two directions, using motion capture systems for Life Sciences and Creative Technologies. We drive health & wellbeing through a focus on movement and personal mobility in  MedTECH and SportsTECH. We drive creative flow through explorations on CreativeTECH in GameTECH and Animation.  

AnamoLABS team

Until now these important attributes were difficult to achieve when investigating human movement and mobility.

AnamoLABS, Cork, Ireland - have succeeded in developing a viable alternative to traditional methods of gathering information and insights into human movement/mobility. Platformed on Captury Live, a marker-less motion capture system, AnamoLABS uses this 3D marker-less motion capture system to offer real-time feedback utilizing video cameras to simultaneously capture multiple subjects to allow the determination of accurate joint kinematics. 

Captury Studio and Captury Live provide high levels of repeatability - comparable to marker-based systems - but with the additional benefits of reduced set-up time,  'real time' kinematic outputs and unparalleled mobility for a multi-camera motion capture system. 


Keeping pace with the changes in technology

These technologies permit the recording of the human body for more creative pursuits, placing people in virtual environments for gameplay, or for the fastest version of stop-motion animation with real-time physical tracking being streamed into a game engine stage set.

When animation data is reviewed in 'real time' (streamed right there in Unity or Unreal Engine while the actors and developers are still on the shoot) the quality of the capture can be evaluated well in advance of the final character being animated. 

  ... AND because reshoots can take place while the actor is still on stage, you can get the best take in the can there and then, instead of having to absorb the cost and time needed to bring everyone back at a later date.

Drawing from a range of complimentary professional skill-sets in physiotherapy, strength & conditioning, sports science, sports technology engineering and ICT experience, AnamoLABS continues to work and support ‘tech’ clusters of professionals with a common vision - the creation of a unique, fast, accessible solution satisfying the unmet needs of the athlete and additional-needs populations with regard to movement and mobility functions.  


Networking with members of Professional Associations

Reading & research, listening to podcasts, viewing  webinars and attending conference like Culture Crush, Animation Meitheal, the Dingle Animation Festival, membership of the MCA Munster Animation Cluster together with a number of other activities continues to engerize and inform our interest and involvement in continuous learning. This in turn allows our clients to gain the insights vital towards evaluating human movement/mobility with a focus to lower injury risk through regular assessment and delivering useful outcomes for additional-needs populations. 

With the rapid advancements in technology, marker-less 3D motion capture is no longer a futuristic dream—it's a reality that's transforming industries. AnamoLABS are pleased to be involved supporting Captury Live & Captury Studios.  Please give us a call if you feel that we can help you and your journey.

Software used: The Captury, Micorsoft, PowerBI, Amazon AWS, ROKOKO